Home » Greece Steps Up Efforts to End “Turkaegean” Propaganda

Greece Steps Up Efforts to End “Turkaegean” Propaganda

Greece has instructed a major law firm to end efforts by Turkey to patent its “Turkaegean” propaganda trademark it is using to attract tourists from the US and the EU.

Despite Turkey’s disclaimers, the “Turkaegean” campaign is an attempt to mislead US and EU opinion regarding Ankara’s illegal claims on the Greek islands.


According to Kathimerini, the Steptoe & Johnson law firm, which specialises in so-called high-stakes litigation involving trade and border disputes, will prepare a report backing Ankara’s claims at a cost of about $70,000. The Washington-based law firm’s total compensation is unknown.

Athens regards as a positive development the US Patent and Trade Office in February asked for more details in order to stop the patent process. In any case, a final ruling probably won’t be issued until 2025.

Source : Greek City Times

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