Home » No Logic: Adonis Georgiadis Compared the Prices of Lamb in Greece and Bulgaria on His Twitter!

No Logic: Adonis Georgiadis Compared the Prices of Lamb in Greece and Bulgaria on His Twitter!

The almost unimaginable comparison of lamb prices in Greece and Bulgaria was made by the Minister of Development Adonis Georgiadis in a related post he made on his personal Twitter account.

Mr. Georgiadis wrote:  “However, in a Bulgarian supermarket with a minimum wage of 350 euros, lamb is sold for 21 leva (€11). And in their butchers, it reaches around 15 euros (28 leva). This is to understand what we have achieved here and let some shout non-stop.. Because some people think that accuracy exists only in our country”  and accompanied his post with the following photos:

What the Minister of Development did not say

As expected, the post is full of mostly critical comments and what has particularly bothered Twitter users is the comparison with Bulgaria and not with any other European country, as well as the comparison of prices only for the specific product and not for the rest .

On the other hand, however, there is something that the Minister of Development artificially hid from his public posts, and this is the way in which the price of amnoerifia was finally formed in Greece, and especially those that were included in the Household Basket.

In their announcement a few days ago, the livestock associations of Eastern Macedonia Thrace referred extensively to the relevant meeting that had taken place and to the “battle” they had waged for the honor of the Amnoerifians, directly accusing Mr. Georgiadis of forcing them into a loss.

” So the Minister for the development of Supermarkets is not only a political scumbag for the Easter period, he is something even worse, a scumbag with the money of the farmers’ hard work” is mentioned at one point in the announcement, while in another, the farmers claim :  With his announcement of a retail price in Supermarkets of around 10 euros, he essentially gives the trigger for a drop in the producer price, something that did not seem to concern him at all, since he considers that his own obligation due to the elections, runs out to buy consumers at around this price. In other words, he only cares about the image, so that the sensitivity of himself and the government can be seen, for the poor and weak consumer-voter. We wonder, isn’t the Minister of Supermarket Development the same man who stood up for the financially weak who couldn’t afford to pay ENFIA saying that if they can’t pay, they can sell their property? “Unfortunately, it is proven once again that the ignorant political scumbag, who plays the role of the government’s hare, with the absolute responsibility of the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis who appointed him, destroys what the livestock farmers of our country build with effort, sweat and financial costs . Of course, there can’t be only bees in society, since drones always intervene, which when they have power become particularly dangerous! However, the main person responsible, after the Prime Minister, for the uncontrolled behavior of Mr. Minister of Development of Supermarkets and the result of his actions, is our own man, the colleague in his youth, the Minister of AAT Mr. Georgandas, for whom we are ready to announce an AMBER ALERT!”

Source: gnomionline

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