Home » Croatia Can Help Albania on Its Path to the EU With Knowledge and Experience, the Croatian Foreign Minister Said

Croatia Can Help Albania on Its Path to the EU With Knowledge and Experience, the Croatian Foreign Minister Said

With its knowledge and experience, Croatia can help Albania on its way to membership in the European Union, Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Gurlić-Radman said today in Tirana, where he is on a working visit, HINA agency reported.

Croatia strongly supports Albania on its path to EU membership and is actively helping the accession negotiations to proceed as quickly and smoothly as possible. Croatia is ready to provide Albania with political and technical support with knowledge and experience, said Gordan Gurlić-Radman at a joint press conference with the Albanian Minister of European Affairs and Foreign Affairs, Olta Jachka.

Albania has been a candidate country for EU membership since June 2014, and in July last year the EU organized the first intergovernmental conference with Albania, where accession negotiations began.

Croatia and Albania, which are NATO allies, traditionally have strong and excellent relations with no unresolved issues, the Croatian minister stressed.

Gordan Gurlich-Radman and Olta Dzachka discussed stability, energy security, connectivity and regional cooperation.

Economic cooperation with Albania shows an upward trend. Total trade with Albania increased by 56.5 percent in 2022, said Gordan Gurlich-Radman.

He stressed the need for better transport connectivity between the two countries.

Together with the Albanian Minister of Education and Sports Evis Kushi, the Croatian Foreign Minister participated in the opening of a primary school, the renovation of which was financed by the Croatian government.  

Source : BTA

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