Home » Do You Remember the Lion Cub in Sarajevo? The Inspection Didn’t Find the Facility or the Owner

Do You Remember the Lion Cub in Sarajevo? The Inspection Didn’t Find the Facility or the Owner

After information appeared in the public that a man in Poljine in Sarajevo keeps a lion cub as a pet, the Veterinary Inspection Inspectorate of the Cantonal Administration for Inspectional Affairs of Canton Sarajevo (CS) received a report initiating the inspection.

In April of this year, based on the information obtained, a case was formed for further action in cooperation with the police and other authorities, as necessary. After that, there was no new information from the Cantonal Inspection.

In response to journalists’ inquiry about whether the inspection carried out supervision and whether penalties were imposed, the Cantonal Administration for Inspection Affairs said that on April 25th and 28th, 2023, they carried out inspection supervision in the area supervised by the veterinary inspection, but based on the information known to the inspection authorities, it was not possible to identify the person reported for keeping the lion cub, nor the property whose this personallegedly owns, which was not known even to the inhabitants of that Sarajevo settlement.

“According to the above-mentioned, the veterinary inspector sent a request to the Centar Police Station to carry out official actions in order to identify the person from the report and the residence address in Poljine in the area of the Centar Municipality, in order to take further measures in the administrative procedure conducted by this authority”, they stated.

Source: Sarajevo Times

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