Home » Werner Herzog – ‘wrestling is a Drama as Crude as the Ancient Greeks’

Werner Herzog – ‘wrestling is a Drama as Crude as the Ancient Greeks’

Could Vince McMahon’s name one day be held in the same regard as Greek drama writers like Sophocles and Aeschylus? Werner Herzog believes there is a similarity.

Speaking with Conan O’Brien, the famed director spoke about wrestling and recalled watching Vince McMahon’s heel work from 2001. He said,

“I do watch some trash TV, let’s say like WrestleMania. It’s very interesting because it’s a very crude form of drama that has emerged and it’s a drama set not in the fight itself. The fights are interrupted by commercials, meaning they’re not important but the owner of the franchise shows up in the ring [with] his wife, alleged wife, in a wheelchair [as Linda was in 2001] and blind.

“He has three sexy women in his arm and rants against his wife in the wheelchair. All of the sudden, you have a form of drama probably as crude as Ancient Greek drama, which started out in the fifth century before Christ. I watch it for, number one, I think that the poet must not close his eyes, avert his eyes, you have to know which world you’re living.”

Herzog’s directorial work includes Aguirrethe Wrath of God (1972), Heart of Glass (1976), Stroszek (1977), and Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979).

In more recent years, Herzog has acted for several popular American shows including The Simpsons, American Dad, Rick and Morty, and Disney+ hit The Mandalorian.

Source: eWrestling News

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