A remarkable orchid species, the Anguloa uniflora, also known as swaddled babies orchids, discovered by botanists Antonio Pavon Jimenez and Hipolito Ruiz Lopez during...
In a recent report, scientists revealed African savannah elephants have a unique way of getting each other’s attention. Specifically, they have elephant names in...
London, Dublin (1/11 – 66) Hamas is sheltered in a sea of civilians. Ostensibly a Palestinian political and military organization established in 1987, Hamas...
Brussels, Frankfurt (10/11 -12) Words like ‘neocolonialism’ and ‘neo-imperialists’ are being tossed around by spokesmen of freshly-installed military regimes in Central and West Africa...
Frankfurt, Paris (22/10 – 20) Many tourists consider traveling to Europe during the summer months of June – September, but autumn’s cooler temperature, colorful...
Greek authorities have evacuated eight villages near the northeastern border with Turkey due to a large summer wildfire burning out of control and whipped...