After an extended pre-election period, which was markedly different from what everyone had anticipated before February 6 and the devastating earthquakes that struck southern...
The devastating earthquakes in southeastern Turkey have altered the political landscape in the country to an alarming degree for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who...
The head of the Council of Europe’s Election Observation Mission is concerned but optimistic about Turkey’s elections. Polls continue to predict a close race between...
The United States State Department has approved the upgrade of Turkey’s current fleet of F-16 fighters for an estimated total cost of $259 million. The potential...
Turkey’s tourism campaign with the slogan “Turkaegean” reignites tensions in Athens, which considers it both cultural usurpation and a threat to Greek sovereignty in...
After years of pursuing its national interests at the expense of its allies and partners, Turkey now risks becoming isolated in the East Mediterranean. A...
With Turkey and Hungary continuing to block Sweden’s application to join the NATO military alliance, the Swedish government hopes for a swift ratification soon...