Pelion’s enchantment lies in its mythical past, once ruled by Centaurs led by the wise Chiron, according to Greek mythology. This legendary figure, associated with...
Relations between Greece and Albania have seen many ups and downs over the years. Recently, however, tension has flared on several issues. Now Greece...
This year marks the 15th anniversary of the lethal shooting of 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos by a police officer in Athens in December 2008. Over...
Electricity cable is ultimately planned to connect with Israeli power grid Construction of a 1.9 billion-euro ($2.05 billion) section of an electricity cable that will connect...
On 1 December 2023, UNESCO officially presented in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the project “Building Trust in Media in South-East Europe: Support to Journalism...
Greece’s health ministry has asked police to help tackle bedbug hoaxers trying to scare foreign tourists out of some Athens short-term rental apartments. On...
Greece has among the highest antibiotics consumption among EU countries, ranking third in 2021 behind Romania and Bulgaria, with three times the consumption of...